Madelyn and her Mommy

Madelyn and her Mommy
365 days of photos

Monday, August 24, 2009

23 weeks

I have been feeling pretty good lately. My dad bought our crib a few weeks ago and I had my husband put it together this weekend. I couldn't wait to see it up and in the room. So tonight after work, I took out some of the stuff I have been collecting over the last few weeks, and put he room somewhat together. It is so cute. I am having alot of fun getting ready for the baby. I do wish we knew her name though! We can not decide. I have a list of names I like but my husband doesn't seem to LOVE any of them. I like Olivia, Skyler, Colleen, Hailey, and about 10 others I gave him on a list to narrow it down. So for now she is just baby girl Wheeler.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Half way there! It's a girl!

I am 20 weeks and 1 day today. We had our "big" ultrasound last week and found out it is a girl! I am so happy for a baby girl. She moves around everyday now and I can feel her once in a while on the outside too, which is so cool.

Here are some pics of me at 20 weeks and of our ultrasound:

*How far along?: 20 Weeks! I am half way through my pregnancy!

*Total weight gain: About 5lbs so far.
*How big is baby?: about 3/4 of a lb
*Maternity clothes?: Oh yeah I can not fit in regular pants at all now, but my shirts are still some just large regular womens.
*Sleep?: I sleep ok. I get up every 2 hours to go to the bathroom and lately I am getting some insomnia.
*Food cravings?: Avocados, vegetable rolls, and blue berries.
*Belly button in or out?: Still in.
*What I miss: Not to much. I don't really care about drinking but I do miss feeling like I can do any sort of activity sometimes.
*What I'm looking forward to: Seeing our baby girl for the first time.
*Milestone: Half way through my pregnancy!