Madelyn and her Mommy

Madelyn and her Mommy
365 days of photos

Monday, August 23, 2010

8 Months Old

8 months

You turned 8 months on the 11th, and almost immediately you were saying “mama” and have 2 teeth coming in! I noticed while I was feeding you the two middle teeth were coming in almost together. I can not wait to see your beautiful smile with teeth. Although, we happen to think your “no teeth” face is very funny too.

The fact that you say mama now just melts my heart, and over the last few days you just started to say baba now too. I can’t imagine what you will say next. We will see!

You are almost crawling now. You basically are crawling, but only do about 2 crawls before you decide to stop, sit up or roll over. I bet by the end of the week you are really moving.

Last weekend we went to Lindsay’s 4th birthday party. You were a good girl, and looked so cute in the chef themed party attired.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Aug 7-9 2010

So, Mommy and Daddy went to Ryan's Wedding this past Saturday in NJ. Your Nanny, Nana, and Aunt Bonnie watched you and they had a wonderful time. They said you were "perfect". For some reason whenever we seemed to go to Carmel or see them since you were born, you seemed to be having a fussy day and cried alot. They finally got to enjoy you and see the happy baby that I told them you were.

You went to Walmart with them, and then out to Applebees. They even gave you a tubby.

This was my first night with out you since you were born. I missed you alot. It was also nice for Mommy and Daddy to have a night out though. Ryan and Olivia's Wedding was right on the Hudson over looking the Manhattan Skyline. We drank, danced, ate and had a beautiful hotel room for the night.

On Sunday when we got home, I put you in a dress that Trish gave to us. It is Pink with roses on it and a matching hat. We sat out in the yard on a blanket and you played with your toys while mommy took beautiful pictures of you. Rowan wore that dress on her 1st birthday, for her birthday party. It really means alot to me, that they gave us the dress and that you got to wear it while it was still warm enough to wear dresses. You are a big girl. You turn 8 months on Wednesday and this dress is a size 18 months and basically fit you perfectly.

The picture I took tonight is of you biting your activity gym mat. You basically bite everything right now, but still no teeth.



8/7/10 At Ryan's Wedding in NJ.

Friday, August 6, 2010

You are growing up so fast. You look more like a "little girl" then a baby lately. You are about to crawl anyday now and when we put you up to the couch can stand and support yourself.

This weekend is going to be the very first night I spend without you. Mommy and Daddy are going to Daddy's friend Ryan's Wedding in New Jersey. I am going to miss you so much. The upside of it is, you will get to spend the weekend with you Nanny, Nana and Aunt Bonnie. They are coming to our house and spending the night tomorrow. I think you are going to have fun with all of them, and they are just going to love every minute of you.

Just a side note about the above picture. Our Chihuahua Ozzie has never bit anyone and we were right there as we watched Oz, just growl at Madelyn pulling her tail.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

2. Jumperoo 8/1/2010

Madelyn has finally started to enjoy her Jumperoo for longer then 10 minutes. I swear she could have stayed in it for an hour today if we let her.

Josh put chicken on the grill for dinner and I made the sides while Madelyn entertained herself in the Jumperoo watching Baby Einstein on DVD. I highly recommend the series to new moms if you want to get anything done while your little one is less then a year old.

Here is day 2 of my 365 Challenge.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Here in NY we finally had some relief from the heat. It has been in the 90's for a good part of 2 months now. Today the high was only 80 and no humidity, so I took Madelyn outside for about an hour this afternoon, to just play on her blanket.

As some of you may know, I am a photographer, and as one, I definitely think a picture is worth a thousand words, or at least that it speaks more then I can convey in words. It is basically my choice of communication, if given that option.

That being said, I see some blogs around that are doing a 365 day photo challenge. I think I am going to join this challenge. Within my challenge I plan to take at least one picture a day of some sort of meaning. I would like this blog to primarily be about raising our daughter and photos pertinent to that. I may not have time to upload the photos daily but I plan to at the very least upload the 7 photos weekly for each day.

I would love to get some other 365 photo blogs as followers and to follow some, so please add me if you are in that.

Here are some of today's photos:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

7 months old

Wow, time is flying. I never posted for Madelyn's 6 months bday. I have to say, six months old, was a major change. Madelyn was suddenly sitting up by herself, holding and feeding her own bottle, and saying dada. She is such a little person, with a big personality. Now it is July and one of the hottest ones I can remember since I was a teenager, so we are loving going in our pool almost every night. She is loving that. The water has been warm too, around 75-80 water temp.

Here are are 6 month and 7 month pics:

6 months

7 months

6 months

For July 4th weekend Madelyn had her first NYC trip down to Aunt Jessies house in Brooklyn. She was such a good traveler, and was such a happy baby. We went out to eat and to the park and took the picture of her in front of the NYC buildings on the East River that I posted above.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Madelyn is 5 months old

Madelyn turned 5 months old this week. She is such a big girl now. She rolls over completely to her belly now and laughs alot. She is just a happy silly baby. I took this picture on 5/11/10 in her room. She seems to love Elmo.

Our typical day when I am not working consists of us getting up for the day around 7am and she is also eating solids now, so we do a fruit in the morning and a veggie at night, and bottles of course in between. We had pears, bananas, apples, and sweet potatoes so far. She is getting alot better at the feedings. She actually opened her mouth before I got the spoon to her tonight. It was very cute.

After she eats she spends her days playing with all her different contraptions we seem to have; excersaucer, jumperoo, swing, activity mat, chair, toys on blanket. Also she really loves watching her Baby Mozart, Baby Einstein DVD. I actually like hearing it too. It is very relaxing and a nice break from tv noise. She seems to be happy watching them, so I can take a shower or get something done for that 25 minutes. One dvd is usually about $15.00, so I went on ebay this week and got 3 Baby Einstein DVDs for about 9 bucks! I can't wait for it to come in the mail!

It was also my first mother's day as a mama this year. It was really nice. I mostly just enjoyed not going to work and being with our beautiful baby.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Madelyn arrived and is 3.5 months

Sorry I have not written in this blog in a VERY long time. On December 11th we had our baby girl Madelyn. She is just amazing and I love her so much. Childbirth is nothing like you can even imagine. I am sure it is different for everyone, but I thought it was hell. Truth be told it has been 3.5 months and I still don't feel recovered physically from that trauma! She is so worth it though. It is amazing how much she has grown since she was first born. She is so happy lately and smiling so much.

For those of you that don't have kids yet, and think it will change everything. It sure does! But it is so much fun and a love you will never know until you just do it. I even feel closer to my husband now because of this beautiful baby we made.

I am back at work and surprisingly I actually like being a working mom. I thought I would constantly be daydreaming that we could afford for me to stay home and be with our daughter. It is not reality for us though, and I have accepted that and actually like having a routine where we get up VERY early (5:30am) and start our day to leave the house, and I was NEVER a morning person, until now.

Here are a few pictures of Madelyn since I have not posted any yet: